A New Type of "Self Care" Advent Calendar from Rachel Gold
We’re fast approaching the season of good will and I can’t help wishing that I could have my own personalised advent calendar, full of daily suggestions on how to nourish myself more during this busy month ahead. I don’t know about you but I can easily find the good cheer sliding in one direction, outwards, with present buying, entertaining and generally rushing around, rather than giving myself some much needed time for self-care.
Imagine creating a personalised advent calendar with 24 days of self-nurturing affirmations and actions, small things that we could easily achieve each day, like gifting ourselves a 20 minute deep rest before dashing out or some delicious yoga stretches to start the day or just remembering to smile into our own hearts first. Then there are luxurious candle-lit baths, delicious aromas, sensuous body oils and nourishing foods that could be included too.
This would be a radical new advent calendar, 24 days of self-nurturing, a much more relevant start to the festive season, in my opinion.
click to read more about Rachel Gold
Relationship Therapist - Anamaya